Parent Roles

Your Role Through The Years

Parent Roles

Parent roles are uniquely designed to help you possess special knowledge of your child’s learning style and capability as well as the relational experience to deliver private instruction in a relaxed environment. The following are definitions used in the course descriptions to explain the parent role at home in the teaching process.

Primary Teacher

The parent must be available to teach the lessons on the days the student is home. Instruction must be given in order for the student to receive adequate training and the best possible education. This is needed primarily at the K-3nd grade level.


The parent must be available at home to go over the assignments given by the classroom teacher and provide instruction for the lessons as needed by the students. They will encourage and supervise the completion of all work and help facilitate special projects. Co-teachers are needed primarily at the 4rd-6th grade level.

Private Tutor

Parents will give one on one instruction for extra help as needed by the student or provide a tutor as needed.

Course Monitor

Parent must be available on the days the student is at home to monitor the success and completion of work and by their signature on assignment sheets verify that the work completed is the student’s. The role of parent as monitor will be done at the 7-8th grade level to varying degrees.

Interactive Discussion/Discipleship

In courses utilizing this role, parents are expected to interact with their student on teacher-directed topics throughout the semester. Students will then reflect on those interactions through class discussions and written assignments. These courses are designed in such a way as to place emphasis on the parent-student relationship by emphasizing and reinforcing the values parents are teaching within their home, especially issues that are of importance during the teen years 7thgrade and up.

See the Covenant Academy Handbook (p. 39) for Instructional Hours completed on and off campus.