Character Development

Character Development

The purpose of Covenant Academy’s Character Development Program is to:
1: Instill the value of Godly virtues
2: Develop character traits of integrity, responsibility, and respect
3: Encourage students to grow in the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:20)
5: Support character training in the home.

Recognizing that character is developed through the child’s God-given role as a student both the Covenant Academy staff and parents are able to address character as it develops in students. Covenant Academy are proactive with instruction in godly character. Classroom teachers strive to tie character traits and virtues with daily curriculum and school culture, seeking to address the heart of the child rather than isolated behavior.

We believe that teaching children to be responsive and positive in their attitudes toward educational authority reinforces their positive response to God’s authority in their lives as adults.  In addition, just as it is a key in home training for a mother and father to be mutually supportive, it is essential in classroom education that the home and school be mutually supportive.

Read more about our program.